
Safety, Quality, Community and Environment

Pex sees our success as dependent on the quality of the service we deliver. Creating a rewarding, challenging and safe workplace for all our people is part of Pex Industries’ core values and one of its highest priorities. Our commitment to safety, the environment and the overall community is at the core of our Mission Statement.



Pex is committed to supporting the local communities in which we work, fostering mutually beneficial relationships as an integrated part of any project which impacts on the local community.

Giving back to the community in which we work is not only provided by the project undertaken, but wherever possible, we use local subcontractors to undertake the majority of works - the major exceptions being for the supply of specialty equipment and services that are not available in the region. We use local suppliers for goods and services including office supplies, hardware, equipment hire, IT support, recruitment and design/drafting services etc.

We work to improve the skills and practices of local subcontractors, conducting training sessions outlining our safety, quality and environmental expectations. Wherever possible the running and maintenance of plant / equipment is left in the trained and capable hands of local communities.

Commitment to informing local communities of works in their neighbourhood is done through planned area relations programs.


The safety of our employees, subcontractors and the public is key to our core values. Pex operates a fully integrated safety, quality and environment management system, including risk management as part of our normal business operations.

We encourage group innovation, within a well defined framework to ensure safety. All employees of Pex, its partners and contractors are empowered to stop any activity which they deem to be unsafe. This is irrespective of the level of seniority of the person/s involved. All such incidents are to be reported to the Safety Manager.

Pex only works with contractors who have appropriate certification of management systems to Australian and International standards. They need at least the following or overseas equivalent of:

AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Management Systems

AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems

AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems

The PDCA (plan–do–check–act) problem-solving leads to larger and more targeted change in process and safety improvement. Together with the Zero Incidents Commitment delivers an integrated approach to improvement and delivers quick and substantial results in quality and productivity in diverse settings.


Pex has established standards of operational practices, ensuring that no-matter the size of the project, the environmental impact is kept to a minimum. Each project undertaken has a complete, wide-ranging and specific safety, quality and environment management plan developed. The associated plan includes controls and processes for the minimisation of all anticipated environment impacts.

During the project, environmental conditions on sites are regularly monitored, with any concerns identified, prioritised, addressed and feedback provided to all employees and subcontractors. (This forms part of the above-mentioned PDCA (plan–do–check–act) problem-solving improvement process.

This ensures our projects meet all necessary environmental objectives and regulations, with the least possible disruption of the project’s surrounding environment.
